Sunnyhills SG50
Client: Sunnyhills
Job Scope: SG50 Illustration
Flourishing from the sunny countryside of Bagua Mountain, Taiwan, Sunnyhills' pineapples are hand-prepared and delicately simmered into a paste before being shipped to their stores in Singapore, Taiwan, and China. Although stemming from the same tranquil mountain, this pineapple-centric brand intends to localise their products to each country's unique celebration, namely Hari Raya and SG50 for Singapore.
The task was to create an illustration to commemorate SG50 on their packaging.
When in Rome... as the Romans do. There is no better way to blend into a culture than to participate in their local celebrations, and SG50 was an apt time to do so. Located at Raffles Hotel and Takashimaya, Sunnyhills is at a prime spot to target both high-income tourists as well as locals for this SG50 pack. Their intention being to promote their brand to locals (for Chinese New Year), and to introduce Singapore's culture to tourists.
Proposed Designs
Design 1
Singapore's hotspots and culture drawn in a iconography format, scattered across the sleeve to envelope the entire packaging with our country's robust flavour.
Design 2
Singapore's hotspots and culture drawn in a iconography format, scattered across the sleeve to envelope the entire packaging with our country's robust flavour.
Although both designs were unique to Singapore, they didn't compliment Sunnyhills brand character well enough. Iconography, although in trend, lacked a humanist touch. Therefore, a new illustration style was proposed, while maintaining the elements of Proposed Design 2.
This new design would be printed onto the box itself, enhancing it rather than creating an additional sleeve.